You can see more of our wonderful photo shoot HERE (Go look! Really! She's amazing!!!)
Anyway, in return, she asked if I could recreate a very special quilt for her.
This was her own baby blanket that her mother made for her before she was born.
A darling Mother Goose quilt! As you can see, it was very well loved.

Valerie really wanted to have one like it for her own daughter (who may well be the cutest baby on the planet... just saying), but she and her mom couldn't find the pattern anywhere, and because her mom in now legally blind, she couldn't make up a new pattern herself.
So, Val asked if I thought I could do it. And, naturally, I said "Sure!"
I came up with the pattern simply by tracing the appliques, although I did round out some of the curves until they looked right to me. I had to seriously think this one through to get everything right - and I am SO pleased with the end result. So, here is the newly recreated Mother Goose Quilt:

Linds seriously, it brings tears to my eyes, it is that special to me. Thank you so much!
This quilt is BEYOND precious! Oh, Lindsay, you truly have a talent!
Amazing!! I'm teary myself. :) What an incredible job you did, Linz. That will certainly be cherished for years to come.
Oh - and your family pics are absolutely gorgeous!!
I am seriously impressed and the quilt is so adorable! You amaze me. Remind me to show you the quilt Grandma Stone me for me when we got married. You are awesome. Love Ya, MOM
So awesome! I just love a quilt with a great story behind it. Great job!
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