What did I get myself into?!? I know, I know - it'll be nice when it's done. But right now I need a break. Wish me luck!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
My sewing room exploded.
What did I get myself into?!? I know, I know - it'll be nice when it's done. But right now I need a break. Wish me luck!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
WIP Wednesday!
Mod Times #2 is still waiting to be sandwiched. I am so excited to quilt it, but I need to mop the floor before I can baste. (sigh...)
I made a new dance bag for my little dancing queen.
I used the "leftovers" from Mod Times #2 (ahem - because I bought the end of the bolt. Don't judge. It was 50% off...) It turned out way cute, and now she can actually fit her three different pairs of dance shoes - tap, ballet, and jazz - into her dance bag! Sheesh.
Cute, right?!
Bottled Rainbows - Moss block
This is block #12!!! 4 more to go, and I saved my favorite colors for last! Yea!! :) I kept this one simple, and I really do like how it came out. I also like that it is mostly Fandango scraps. I love LOVE that line! :)
I really love this project! I am so excited to snuggle under this one! I'm totally going to hog it all to myself!
Also on the drawing board - a simple skirt tutorial and pants to skirt (My hack method) tutorial! Stay tuned for those!

Well, that's it for this week! Be sure to check out all the WIPs at Freshly Pieced!

An Excess of Mug Rugs
The Princess designed the one for her teacher (her teacher had an ocean themed room)
Cute yes? Here's the outcome...
I designed the rest. Notice how simple mine are? Yeah. SIMPLE. But I love them and they were fast to make!
And one more for the crossing guard (she's got a big job, too!!) :)
I love mug rugs! :)
Monday, May 23, 2011
A Big Serving of Humble Pie
Here's me getting ready to start the swim.
Which I only made it partway through. Turns out - swimming in a pool is a lot different than swimming in a lake, and swimming in a swimsuit is a lot different than swimming in a wetsuit. (Can a get a Duh?) So, I had trained for swimming, just not the right kind of training. But that wasn't the kiss of death.
Here's how this all went down. I started the swim out pretty well. I did, however, realize quickly that I had worn the wrong kind of wetsuit. I borrowed a friend's regular, scuba wetsuit, which was too thick, so I had a whole lot of drag going on. I had, about 400 meters in, decided that I would have to alternate between freestyle and breaststroke to finish.
That was went I collided with another swimmer and took a foot to the gut. Now, it's important for me to say - I don't blame the other swimmer AT ALL. It's a free for all, we're all right on top of each other, and it's hard to see where the other swimmers are. So, not that person's fault. And the kick didn't even hurt. But, it was enough to through off my rhythm and breathing, and caused me to start taking in mouth fulls of water. And out in the middle of a lake is not the most ideal place to try and recover from getting the wind knocked out of you. BUT - I don't think the kick would have effected me as much if I hadn't already been struggling.
I swam (if you are being generous with the term swim) another 100 yards or so, and tried to determine the best course of action. I was still coughing and getting mouthfuls of water. I do NOT quit easily, so this decision was painful. But even now I can't regret making the decision to pull out. I wouldn't have been able to finish the swim. At least not before the cutoff. So, I swam over to one of the officials on a jet ski, told him I was pulling out, and climbed on the back of the jet ski. He was great about it, as were the people on the boat who had to call in my number into the race director.
I was hoping to just get to the dock, hand in my time chip and make a discreet getaway. But no. NOW came the embarrassing part. I got to the dock, was helped off by a young man who would not let go of my arm. He kept asking if I was okay, then told me that I would have to talk to "the race director. She's the one in the green shirt... yes, right there, running toward us."
She was running. Sprinting actually. Right. Up. To. ME. And behind her - the medical staff. Complete with a full stretcher. **Dies of complete embarrassment** Holy cow, it was humiliating. Anyway, I assured her that I was okay - and that all I really needed was a rock to hide under and die of embarrassment. Fortunately (?) I wasn't the first to pull out for that exact reason, and I am sure I wasn't the last.
So, a bona-fide failure. But, I certainly learned a valuable lesson about preparing the RIGHT way. And you do know what this means, right? Michael will be ordering a kayak and a few little life vests today. And from now until next year, we will be spending a few evenings a month with my three family members in a kayak while I swim in the reservoir until it's easy to do. Next time.. I'll be ready! :)
But humble pie doesn't taste very good.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Mod Times #2 Top and Back
I went with white background because when I looked around at greens, they just didn't "feel" right. So, white it was! And I like it very much! But I think the back is a big win! I just love it! :)
Tomorrow I am participating in my first open water Olympic distance triathlon! I am excited and a little nervous! It's a 1500 meter swim, 20.5 mile bike and 6.2 mile run. I know I can finish, but wish me luck to not finish last! lol! :) Have a great weekend!!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Mod Times #1 Complete!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
WIP Wednesday!
This week has been a little quieter for me. My hubby whisked me away for an anniversary trip to Vegas to stay in the Venetian. It was amazing and fun!! I did get a wicked sunburn during a bike ride - but other than that, it was perfect!! I got a new pair of heels.
Sometime I may have to tell the story behind my now infamous blog header. It's a pretty funny story...
Anyway, here are my WiPs this week:
Mod Times #1!!! I finished the ADORABLE quilt yesterday! I will post a teaser now, but I still have to give this quilt a photo shoot, so I'll post pictures tomorrow or Friday.
I just LOVE how it came out! I can't wait to give it to my sister-in-law for her new baby boy!!! :)
In progress (still) -
Bottled Rainbow!
I finished the Teal block (Looooove it!) so now I have these 11 (!) blocks done. I am seriously fighting off the urge to do all the rest in one day. I want to. But I really am trying to keep the pace steady. Sigh. One per week. One per week...
Love this quilt!!!
Mod Times #2!
I told you I had to do one for my wall! lol! So I have the fabric cut and ready to go!! I think I will really like this one! Although - I had the sudden thought to make the background fabric green instead of white. Thoughts?
Finally - kids.
This little monkey turned 4 this week.
I am so glad he's part of my life. He's just a delight!!!!
This one is about to finish 1st grade.
Why does every year feel faster?!? I'm not ready for a 2nd grader!!!! :O
Anyway, that's the current project this week! Be sure to check out all of the awesome WiPs at Freshly Pieced!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
"If" - the Super Secret Reveal!
First - I made this for my husband for our 10 year wedding anniversary! I thought of it, and started it in February and I feel really lucky that I finished it in time! So, here it is - I call it "If".
My husband's all time favorite poem is "If" by Rudyard Kipling. It is a wonderful poem, with a lot of personal significance to him. So, I got a rather hair-brained idea to applique the entire poem onto a quilt. So I did. And yes, I cut out every. single. letter. Yes - I am crazy. No, I do not recommend doing this! :)
There were a few moments when it nearly got thrown in the trash. During the second stanza, I was feeling particularly frustrated by how the letters kept NOT being straight. But then I realized something important. I was making this as a token of my love for the greatest man I know. My beloved. And HE would appreciate the effort that was put in, even if it wasn't perfect. And you know, when all was said and done, I was very proud of how it came out.
The other elements also have significance.
The tree
Well, trees have all sorts of symbolism - strength, firm foundation...etc. Take your pick. I put it on there because we love trees. Seriously. They're all over our walls. :) The funnest part of the tree is the quilting. I FMQed it to look like tree bark. I LOVE how it came out!
The bird.
For a love quilt - the obvious choice would have been a dove, right? Well... that's not how I roll! lol! This is a Falcon. I did a lot of research into the symbolism of birds and the Falcon really spoke to me. The Falcon symbolizes "A light Shining in the Darkness." Also, "The light that gives your life purpose." I love that. It really is exactly how I feel toward my husband. The Falcon also represents wisdom, rising above, Keen intellect, success, loyalty, and fierce guardianship. All describe my husband perfectly.
I am so pleased with the final outcome of this quilt. My husband was deeply touched by it, and I am so glad I had the patience (and the insanity) to make this for him!
I have been told by a few people to link this up to the Blogger's Quilt Festival, and I think I will!! :)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
WIP Wednesday!
Anyway, it's been a great week here in my little world!! First - and most important, I finished - FINISHED - super secret project! YEEHAW!!! The big day (my 10th wedding anniversary!!!) is Thursday, which is when I will give it to hubby, then I'll post pictures. Lots of pictures! And the story! So stop by Friday morning for sure!!! :)
I also made this little mug rug for my sister's blog contest. It's a mininova. It's great color wise, but I struggled with lining up those little tiny seams... oh, well! It's cute!
I started the Mod Times Quilt A Long using some cute flannel...
And got some other fabric for a second one - undoubtedly heading for a wall in my sewing room! :)
Cute, right?!
Okay - Indigo Bottled Rainbow block! I struggled with scraps for this one, but I actually like how it came out!
I now have 10 blocks done and I LOVE them together! I can't wait to see this one all done!
Last - I got confirmation for a MAJOR WIP that I'll be working on over the next 5 months...
Marathon #3 - here we go!! :)
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out all of the awesome WIPs at Freshly Pieced!!

And don't forget!! Friday - come back and check out Super Secret Project! I'm really excited!
Monday, May 9, 2011
BabyNova Mug Rug
I made this for a very cool Blog Tour and contest that my sister, Angie Lofthouse, is hosting over at her writing blog, Notes From The Writing Chair. The mug rug is part of an awesome grand prize pack! If you like Science Fiction stories, head on over and join in! It's going to be a great tour and a fun contest!!
Working with those little tiny pieces was not easy! But, I love the colors and the progression of this block. I really love the background fabric. lol! It makes me want to make another full size Supernova with these fabrics!! :)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Happy Moments #2
It's. Done. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
And a week to spare to boot! I will be posting many pictures with the whole story one week from today!! Please be sure to stop by that day!! It'll be a Super Secret Reveal party!! :)
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mod times quilt a long
It will be a great quilt, but you know what this means right? I'll have to do two. One baby quilt and one the way it was intended! ;) I'll keep ya posted!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
WIP Wednesday!!
Sprocket Pillows:
I made these pillows for my kids on a sleepless night, using THIS tutorial from Cluck. Cluck. Sew. They turned out SOOOO cute!
And the kids haven't stopped playing with them! Seriously, they keep these pillows with them at all times! I love it!!
Bottled Rainbow - 2 blocks done!!
Purple (plum? I don't know - I guess the other purple one was eggplant? Whatever...) :)
I am just loving these blocks! I have 9 done, and have to keep stopping myself from plowing through the rest. Slow and steady, right - then I get to enjoy the process more...
Super Secret - WOWZA!! Folks - I am ecstatic to announce that the top is DONE, and I have finished quilting it!!! Yea! I was terrified at my quilting plan. It's all FMQ, with some really artsy moments. I was scared about doing it, but it really turned out great! I am done with the quilting and I am SO thrilled to KNOW that it will be finished by next week (the big day is May 12!!) So, obviously - the big reveal with be next week!!! Stay tuned! I am so proud of this monster! ;) Okay, here's a (very small) sneak peek!!
Okay, not much a peek at all... Muahaha!
Well, that's about all for this week! Happy WIP Wednesday! Be sure to check out the other amazing WIPs at Freshly Pieced!!