Thursday, June 30, 2011
Hexagon Circus Quilt - complete!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
WiP Wednesday...
Seriously - here are the Princess's projects:
Her first Ticker Tape block:
Turned out great! It was fun to watch her. She kept whispering "concentrate... concentrate!" as she sewed! It. Was. Awesome!!!!!
Today, my incredible friend and neighbor watched her and the little monkey for me while I got my haircut, and she came home with this:
And SHE made it with only a little help!! Awesome!!! Thank you Shelley! She is SO proud and I am tickled pink!!
Okay - now for mine...
Hex 2.
I got the top finished, got the back pieced, and got it basted by bedtime last Wednesday. Then I decided on how to quilt it. I went with stitching 1/4 inch on either side of all the seams in the hexagons. Yep. That would be 4 laps around all 42 hexagons. As I was quilting (which I only just finished yesterday, mind you...) I kept thinking, "WHY?!?!" But then I would look at the quilting, especially on the back, and say, "Oh, yes! This looks great!!!"
I just got the binding attached today. I don't have a single picture of the completed quilt top. Give me a day or two, and it'll be all done and pictures will abound! :)
Kaleidoscope Quilt a long:
Cut, and ready to go for the next set! Yea! I love this already!! I have already decided to quilt with pink thread. ;)
Skill Builder Sampler Quilt a long:
Block #2: Value 9 patch
I am pretty bad with the whole "value" thing, so I really tried to work on that with this block. I learned something about value! IT'S AWESOME! I had to go through about 4 sets of fabric picks before it clicked. And I really love how this block turned out! The only problem? I am using scraps for this QAL, and most of my scraps are out of print, so there is zero chance for me to have a whole quilt with these fabrics. *sad face* Seriously. I would love it! ;)
Well, that is all for this wonderful WiP Wednesday! Linking up to Freshly Pieced! Be sure to check it out!
A contest!

I entered my Mod Times #1 in All Stars 2!
Wish me luck!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A Place for It at Last...
Then it came to me: I have a quilt that I designed and finished almost a year ago, neatly folded waiting for me to decide what on Earth to do with it. Ever since I finished it, I've been trying to decide if I should give it away (NO!) or write up a pattern or tutorial (even though changes would definitely be made now...) But I just hadn't decided yet. I still might do a little pattern, but for now, it's here:
And I couldn't be happier!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
WiP Wednesday!
As far as my "In Progress" drawer goes... it felt shockingly empty. With the BR quilt out of there, there is a lot of space! LOL! Must... fill... space... which leads me to a story. The kids and I went up to Cedar City on Monday with my husband who had to work up there for a few hours. Now, when I have a few spare hours in an unfamiliar place, and happen to find a fabric store in my "safe zone" (I get lost easily...), things happen. I don't think I should have to take responsibility for my actions in those circumstances... ;)
What happened? This:
Fabric for a Bottled Rainbow-esqe quilt! But!! This one will not be made by me, but by my 7 year old daughter!!! Yep, she wants to make one for her bed, but instead of Rainbows, she wanted blocks in just four colors! See what she picked out? I think she's got a great eye for colors. Anyway, I will piece the blocks, but she will do all of the scraps! So from now until this one is done - expect a "Princess WiP" section! I am tickled!
Now, for my WiPs...
Skill Builder Sampler Quilt-a-long - Block #1, Log Cabin
I like how this one came out. A lot. I am planning to make every block with nothing but scraps, if I can help it, so it might end up being wild, but that's okay. I'm building my skills, and that's what matters!
Almost have the top pieced! Only 4 rows left to go! And that won't take long! I am loving this! I can't wait to piece a back as well!! I also am having visions of awesome quilting floating around... we'll see! :)
Oh, dude. That's all! See, I really do need to fill my "In Progress" drawer... I know! I'll pull out this long forgotten project!
Yea!! Dancing Squares! :)
Be sure to check out all of the awesome WiPs at Freshly Pieced!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Bottled Rainbow - Complete!
So, with no further adu - my Bottled Rainbow Quilt - all done!!
I don't use it often, but I did back this one with minky. The last quilt I used minky on was the Supernova, that I gave to my hubby. Well... I kept stealing it from him (it's so snuggly!!), so I decided to splurge and back this one with minky for ME. So he could keep his... You know - keeping the peace! lol!
The binding was from Riley Blake's "Feeling Groovy" line. It's flannel. The only reason I decided this was okay was because I was using minky on the back, so a flannel binding would be okay. Well, that's just how I justified it. Truth be told, I just loved it so much, and it was SO perfect, I just HAD to use it!!! :)
This has been so fun! I am kind of thinking that a weekly ticker tape block may still be in order, because they are SO fun! This is now my very own snuggle-on-the-couch quilt! Yay!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Patriotic Table Runner
I am thrilled with how it came out! I LOVE this Twin Star block (I used the tutorial HERE from Piece N' Quilt). It is lovely, and I have to say - I think this is some of my best piece work. I really hope they like it! I am going to take it over tomorrow. Yay!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
WiP Wednesday!
I know. It was amazing!
Anyway, as I started taking a look to compile this post, I realized - I had done quite a bit! I finished two pincushions and a curtain (see posts below), and I finished two Bottled Rainbow blocks, as well as some progress on the Hexies! Wow! That's pretty good!
On the Hexie front, I got the sashing cut, and put it on...
They are turning out SO cute!
I picked out the fabric for the Kaleidescope Quilt a long! It's cute!! Zoo Babies in Pink with light gray for the background! Yea!
But the real news is in the Bottled Rainbows... I finished two blocks. And, for those keeping track... those were the LAST two blocks!!!! Yea!!!!
And Orange!!
Now, actually - I've got one better... today I stitched the top together. The top is done!!! I am not posting a picture, though, as I want to reveal the finished product when it is, you know - finished! Another couple days and I'll do the grand reveal. Suffice it to say - I am tickled pink with how it came together. Really. I just love it! I can't wait to show it off!!! Stay tuned!
That's all for my WiPs this week!! Happy Sewing and be sure to check out all the amazing WiPs at Freshly Pieced!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Another pincushion and Raspberry Block
Yea! Still looks crazy with all those pins, but at least they all fit!! ;)
I also finished the Raspberry block!! Yipee! I really like how this one came out!! Only one more!!! :)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A pincushion and a door
Turns out, I'm not so skilled at sewing in 3D! hahaha! It's cute, though. And, it turns out, when you stick a few hundred pins in it...
It really doesn't matter what it looks like! Hahahaha!!
Also, I made a curtain door for my little storage room - you know to keep certain little monkeys out...
I love how it came out! This fabric is one of my current favorites, and I just love how my circle string things came out! Yay!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
WiP Wednesday!!
Bottled Rainbow - Ocean Block
I love this one too! Another little butterfly block... I couldn't help myself! Two more to go!! And! I picked this out for the binding!
I still have to get the backing, but I think I know what I want. I just have to do the math and go buy the right amount!! :)
I made some progress on the Hexagon quilt! I love it so far! I can't wait to get it put together!!
That's all the sewing I have for this week (Sad!) But! My major project for the week has been: painting and re-reorganizing my sewing room!!! And it's just about done! Yay!!
Story - when we bought our house every wall, all of the ceilings, the doors, and base boards were all painted the exact same color. A brown that was a little too pink for my taste. If it had been on the walls of a few rooms, I probably would have liked it. But, on every stationary surface? Not so much. It has taken 6 years, but I am finally almost done eradicating the color from my home. My sewing room was the last big room. Now all that's left are the bathrooms and the laundry room. I will get rid of that color if it kills me. Muahaha!
Anyway, here is a picture of my newly painted sewing room!!
Yay!! I am so happy with the color now! It's so soothing! I have two more projects left in here and it will be totally done! Hooray!! So, now on to more sewing!!
Be sure to check out all the awesome WiPs over at Freshly Pieced!! :)