Anyway, a quick funny story. The story behind how I got my wonderful machine is very cute. Last year, I was having a crumby year - dental wise. I managed to have to get 3 root canals and 3 crowns. Totally blew my sewing machine savings. During the 3rd root canal, I was whining to my hubby about how my teeth kept preventing me from getting the machine I wanted. The day I got the 3rd and final crown, my sweet hubby came home with the very machine I had been pining over for a year or so. It was the sweetest thing ever! He went to three different quilting stores until he found the one that sold Janomes. So. Sweet.
Anyway, today, as I was filling out the service info thing, the lady looked down at my name and said, "Dunn! OH! I remember when you got this machine. Well, when your husband got it for you. *giggled* That was so sweet!"
Yep. My hubby is something of a legend down at the local quilt shop! How awesome is that?!
Wow! And my hubby balked when I said there were machines over $300. Get over it, dude! That's funny that the LQS lady remembered!
I totally get it. When I dropped mine off for it's annual checkup in February I swear I almost cried. It was like dropping one of my kids off for their first day of Kindergarten or something! I told them that they'd better take good care of her, lol. Have fun on vacation!
P.S. We have the same machine, mine is named Penelope :)
As a recent new owner of a good machine after many many years on a bad machine I understand the sudden strong attachment. Just today while it was loading up (turning on for the day) I thought, "awh, I just love your sweet little sounds baby," followed immediately with, "I've officially turned crazy."
I think it's funny they remember, too, but I'm not surprised. It's probably not every day the husband comes in WITHOUT the wife to get the machine. Alex tried to surprise me with mine, but I got it out of him because he knew I would want to research it. It's awesome that he knew what you wanted.
haha! im pretty sure my machine is in desperate need of a checkup/cleaning, but the local store told me they'd have to ship it down to their guy in kansas city, over an hour away. I can't do it. i don't know that i can let it out of my sight! i have irrational fears that i would never see it again. AH! i need to marry a sewing machine repairman!
That was such a sweet thing for him to do!
Okay, I know you're on vacation, but I just had to say I miss ya! You're always one of the first people who comment on my blog and I feel like I haven't heard from you in forever! Hope you're having a wonderful vacation, but come back soon!
I think it's cool that your husband is well-known, esp. for something so generous as this!
We drove past your neck of the woods on Saturday night late (before checking into our hotel in St. George). I waved!
Elizabeth E.
What a sweet husband! Wishing you patience as you wait on your machine.
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