Here it is!!
I'm not sure if it's just my computer, but from where I sit, the colors in the pictures are really bright. The orange is in reality a lovely sort of pumpkin orange. Anyway, I love this pattern!!
I backed it in a nice plaid flannel that matches wonderfully. It will be very snugly!! I wanted to add something to the back that would help with orienting the quilt the right way (remember my hubby's manly advice? lol!) but, the backing was big enough without a stripe. So, after perusing the Oregon State website, I found one of their sayings that made me smile and appliqued that on the back!
I love it! I even used the college's font of choice! I hope this detail makes him smile! :)
All in all - a wonderful project! I really hope he likes it!
Pattern: Easy Going Modern By Felicity Quilts
Size: 60 x 80
Fabrics: various
Quilting: by me - meandering stipple, FMQ
Lastly - it is Thursday, and I did to something new on this quilt! I had heard of this little technique a while back, but never tried it. I decided to give it a try on this one. The idea: zigzagging the edges just prior to stitching down the binding. The tip said that this would keep the edges flat and make doing the binding easier. I was a sceptic. And at first, as I was zigzagging, it felt like a waste of thread. But I persevered and gave it a fair shot.
My thoughts - it really does help. It made things more uniform, and the finished product looks great. I don't know if I would do this every time, but it is a good tip and I would do it again! SO here's to trying something new!!

I have tried zig zaging the edges a few times as well and find it helps attach the binding too :) Sometimes though I am just so excited to finish that I forget that little step :) Love the quilt and so love the applique on the back!! How fun!!
Thanks for the zig zaging tip! I had read about it before, but I didn't trust that it would make that much of a difference. I'll have to try it on my next project.
Love the quilt especially the back! What a nice touch!
i'm curious - the zig zagging, is that for machine binding? I'm topically a hand binder but sometimes it'd be nice to be able to use the machine, and it always comes out wonky!
great quilt, the little details give quilts that extra piece, beautifully done and definitely manly! :)
This looks fantastic! It really would be a great plan for any collegiate quilt, don't you think? He's going to love it.
love this one Lindsay! Doesn't it feel great to finish something? I need to do that soon...
I am sure he will love it.. and be kept warm by it xx
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