It was a happy moment!! If you feel inspired, please share your happy moment too! :)
I am thrilled with the out come! Finished size: 62 x 80!
As I have mentioned, I made this for my hubby, so I made it how I knew he would like it - which meant light quilting. He loves the back to be soft, and prefers minimal quilting for that.
To accomplish as little quilting as possible on the back, I quilted the top in straight lines just onto the batting. Then, I basted that to the back and quilted just the outlines of the big blocks. It turned out great. And I was so excited, that I gave it to him yesterday! Two weeks early. :) He loves it!!
I am thrilled to have participated in this amazing quilt-a-long, and would like to thank Lee for hosting it, and sharing this truly amazing pattern with us. I will absolutely be making another Supernova in the very near future!!!
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award!! Done!
2. Share 7 things about yourself. Will do below - but be warned - I am a storyteller...
3. Award 6 recently discovered bloggers. Will do below.
4. Contact and tell bloggers about the award.
Okay - 7 things about me.
1. I play the violin. I am slated to play a duet in church on Easter Sunday. I better start practicing for that...
2. I used to be a cheerleader in high school. That has very little impact on my life now, except that every time I utter the work "Ready?" my husband slaps his sides and shouts, "OK!" He's gotten a lot of mileage out of this joke and I will likely be hearing this until the day I die. :)
3. My first job was at Hot Dog on a Stick. Yes, I wore the hat. I worked there for 5 years. I know...
4. I cheat. Not on important stuff - never in school, or anything like that, but if you are playing a game with me - I am cheating. I don't know why, but I don't plan on stopping. Muahaha!
5. When I was pregnant with my first child, I was in college and due during midterms. I showed up to a midterm for a Corporate Finance class, and waddled to my seat. My professor walked over, eyed my gigantic stomach, and asked when my baby was due. I responded with, "Actually, I am planning to go to the hospital right after this test." The look of horror on his face was CLASSIC!! I got an A on that test, and had the baby the next morning.
6. I am clumsy. Very much so. It's not so much that I lack balancing skills, I just don't pay attention to what's around me - so I run into things and fall down a lot. It's embarrassing.
7. I am NOT a romantic-comedy kind of girl. I would rather poke myself in the eye. Give me a good action or fantasy and I'm a happy girl!
Okay - That's it about me! :) Here are the Stylish Bloggers I would like to award:
Jen at Stitch Hack
Valerie at Valerie Hart Photography
Melissa at Happy Quilting
Amy at Not Always With Thread
Lee at Freshly Pieced
Becky at My Fabric Obsession
Thanks again, Val, for this award! I am totally flattered! :)