But I have done some! Here are this week's WIPs -
Supernova - I have 9 of the 12 sub sets done.

I keep fluctuating between being totally thrilled with my fabric selection, and totally horrified. I just don't know. I think it will end up looking awesome... but there's a chance it will be a hot mess. Either way, I love this pattern, the gals in the quilt-a-long are rock stars, and I have had fun. But let's hope for awesome.
I took a few minutes to make awesomely ridiculous superhero capes for my kids.

Tutorial below. They are so silly, but my kids have not taken them off!! :)
I haven't gotten my third Bottled Rainbow block done yet. Today, for sure! Picture to come!
Super secret project took a big step forward this week, and I am almost halfway done with the applique. It's still killing me though. Again, sorry for no pictures or even info on this one, but eventually, I will be able to debut the #$%*& thing. ;)
Fun capes!! As for Supernova, I totally understand. That's why I started laying out the next step (as I can figure it), to ease the concern I had about some of my blocks. Give it a try, I bet it will make you feel really great about your choices, I'm sure it's going to look fantastic!
awsome supernova quilt lovw the capes & cant wait to see the super secret project
I like the fabric you've chosen for your Supernova quilt. It's very different from all the bright colors everybody else seems to be doing & I think it'll look stunning.
Can't wait to see how your supernova quilt turns out. I like the colors you've chosen. And the capes are too fun.
I love your supernova pieces. I'm beginning to think this is just one of those awesome patterns that will look good in anything! Love the capes, too fun!
I'm the same way about my supernova blocks. One minute I love them, the next I can't believe I cut into my Parisville bundle. Then I get them put together and I love them again. I'm hoping when it's all done I'll totally love it, LOL! For what it's worth, yours are pretty darn awesome so far.
Love the superhero cape. What a great way to spark imaginative play!
You know, I always have those moments where I doubt my fabric choices, but it almost always turns out fine in the end. I think your blocks are gorgeous! The blues are incredible! I think you'll like them a lot better once you tackle this next step that was posted today.
Love that superhero cape too, my daughters might need some supergirl versions. : ) Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday!
Hey, I found your blog through Pink Please! I think we should be friends, for obvious reasons. :) Following your blog!
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