Okay - so I totally didn't realize today was Wednesday!! hahaha! It's been a week... I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced! Be sure to check it out!

So my WIPs are dwindling (in a good way!). This is where I'm at...
Halloween QuiltSummer Series QuiltSwiss Days CostumesTwin Frolic!! (I just finished this today, so I'll be posting pictures tomorrow! Yea!)
Ready to Finish:
Diamond Chain! This has been basted for a while. I have a plan, and will be quilting it tomorrow! I am really excited with my ideas for this! :)
No where near finishing:
Poor long lost Avignon Picnic. It's still folded neatly in the drawer, not even basted. I'll try to get it basted this week.
In Progress:
Skill Builders Quilt a Long. I have two more blocks done:
Beacon Lights:

This was fun, but kind of stressful. All. Those. Seams...
House and Tree:

This was fun, but I would like to try it again to see if I can make it cuter. ;)
Up coming: Holiday sewing!! Halloween costumes, Fall and Christmas Projects!! I am so excited!
Good news: I won some Scrapbooking software from
Tilda's Twisted Life blog giveaway!! Yea!! I'm feelin' lucky these days!! :)
Finally, one of my major WIPs of the year will finally be completed this coming Saturday!!

That's right! Saturday I will be running my third (and final) St. George Marathon!! I am excited and nervous and thrilled! Wish me luck!!