This project was a really fun headache for me! Yes, I did the shirt twice. I made the cape three times. I tried to find a store bought Thor costume. (There weren't any!) But, I am very pleased with the final result, so here it is - Thor, god of thunder.

Yes, the helmet and hammer are store bought.

I made the little "glove" things just as little slip on sleeves. Seemed easiest.

The shirt is all fabric (the darker grey is taffeta, the shiny is vinyl!) and I attached it with super mega Heat n Bond. It's more art than sewing, and it's the first time I've done anything like it. I copied the design from a little Thor action figure! lol! I would have liked a full metal breastplate, but my blacksmith skills are lacking ;)
(I did consider sculpting it out of Styrofoam, but my sculpting skills are lacking too...)

The cape is taffeta. If I had to do it over for a 4th time, I would have used satin. The taffeta is just a bit heavy.

The curve in the shoulder was a very important detail for me, and proved to be the hardest thing to figure out. I tried several things to hold the curve and had several failures. Finally, after scouring the notions section (and discovering a whole bunch of awesome things I had never known about before!) I found belting. Yes, the stuff you would use to make your own belt!! It was stiff and just the right width. I hot glued three layers together and glued it into my cape. Perfect. I had to attach the cape with staples, but we don't need to dwell on that! ;)
So, as I had several firsts on this costumes as well, I am linking to Melissa's TNT again! For Heat n Bond and Belting fun! :)
Holy cow, Lindsay, you totally rocked this costume!!! Now I have to hurry up and save my comment before my munchkin sees it and demands that I make one for him!!! :)
OMG, I just love it! Very creative! Now I feel guilty about not making Halloween costumes for my grandsons.
GREAT COSTUME!!! :) can be very proud of your accomplishment! :)
I love it, and you did great with all the challenges!
Wow! Just excellent Lindsay! I bet he's ecstatic with it!
Amazing!!!! that is going to be the best costume on the block!!!
Wow! This costume is amazing! Way to go!! :)
Truly amazing! The curve on the cape really DOES make a difference in the look -- you really know how to pay attention to the little details that make all the difference. Andrew looks awesome!
Amazing! Great job! That's one cute little Thor!
This is so awesome! Your kid must be thrilled.
Wow, it looks great! No wonder he looks so thrilled. Good for you, Lindsay!
Oh so cute Lindz. Your skills have long surpassed mine!!! Love To All, MOM
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