So now it is time to get organized for the holidays! But first a confession: I don't know if you noticed this about me, but I tent to go overboard. Now, with that in mind, here is my holiday sewing schedule!!
1 - "Awesome" quilt.
I got this fabric more than a year ago. It's called Awesome, and it's a beautiful fall line. I had the squared finished a looooong time ago to, so I just need to get the top sewn together!
2 - Weekender bags - at least get them started...
I didn't typo there. It's suppose to be plural. I got this c.r.a.z.y idea to make my kids weekender bags for Christmas because they don't have great suitcases and we travel a lot. Then, of course, I want one, so I have the supplies for 3 bags here or being shipped here. The fabric in this picture is going to be for the princess. The other fabric is in route. Wish me luck. Or call the funny farm...
3 - Lego Bag.
When I first saw Lee's tutorial for this, it was like Heavenly choirs sang! My boy needs this for Christmas!
1 - Finish weekender bags
2 - The princess' Christmas dress. She wants gold and red. Griffindor colors. Yes, I'm serious!! lol!
3 - Mug Rugs for gifts.
4 - Planning/ designing E's King size. I have a friend who has commissioned a king sized quilt. I will be really getting into the meat of it after the holidays, but I will be planning, etc. as I can! I'm very excited!
And for both months - keep up with Skill Builder blocks. These are the October blocks that I just barely finished in time! :)
Well, it looks like you will be the Weekender Bag expert by month's end! I think you will have a lot of fun with all those projects!
Good luck with all the projects! But I'm sure the Weekender bag will be easier and faster with each one you make!
I'm tired just reading your list. That's why I try not to make a list of everything I want to make. ;) You're right though- there's a lot to do before Christmas. That lego bag is seriously cute. I had been thinking about doing that for Christmas as well.
Good luck with the Weekenders. There are a bunch of people out there who have done them so make sure you do some searches and find out their hints to make it easier.
Love your skill builders. I have sort of fallen off with that one. I need to get back on track!
love the colors in that string block! Good for your for tackling multiple weekenders, I'm sure they'll turn out awesome!
Great plan! You are organized! I'm going to be making mug rugs too and that Lego bag -- soo love that Lego bag!
Good luck with all your awesome projects! I want to commission a quilt from you too. I'll talk to you more about that later. Love you!
Whew! 3 weekender bags makes me sweat a little, but I know you can do it! Now get off the computer and sew something!
wow! Three weekenders! You are going to be an expert when you are done. LOve your skill builder blocks.
THREE WEEKENDERS?! I'd agree you were crazy if it was only 1 - 3 makes you mental! But, can't wait to follow along on your adventure.. if only I was as brave :)
E. Just CAN'T be excited enough!!!!!!
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