Monday, December 19, 2011

Crunch Time

I got Z-E-R-O sewing done over the weekend. We were babysitting our niece and nephews, and therefore N-O-T-H-I-N-G got done. Except a lot of stress eating. But that's another story... hahaha!

So now, I am feeling the crunch. I don't have a ton left, but I do have some major holiday deadlines. I have one more bag to make, one more ornament to make, Princess's dress to finish, Rudolf cupcakes to make, and a whole lot of delicious fudge to make and take to neighbors. And only 5 days to do it.

Today, I have tried to get some progress made - and I have, a little - but it seems like when you need to get things done - everything that can go wrong does! As I was working on the dress today - my thread kept breaking. This normally isn't a huge issue, but it was for gathering the skirt, and that really does need to be one long thread. Then, I ran out of bobbin thread. Grrr... And to top everything else off - every inch of my sewing room is covered in red glitter. Why? Because I allowed the princess to pick out this fabric for her over skirt:

Why do they even make glitter fabric? Oh, yeah - because it LOOKS good. But it is a MESS!!! :)

Wish me luck over the next few days! I am feeling pretty good about things, but we shall see!


Pat Merkle said...

Wishing you lots of luck! You can do it!

Katie B said...

Good luck!!! That glitter fabric makes me nervous!

Christie describeHappy said...

Wishing you good luck.. .and don't worry, there will be plenty of time for vaccuming glitter in the new year!

Melissa Corry said...

It will be so cute to see her leave a little glitter trail wherever she goes :)

M-R Charbonneau said...

Good luck, Lindsay! It will all come together beautifully!

Aurelie said...

I hear ya, I'm totally caught up in that christmas flurry myself. This year is the first year I haven't made a christmas suit and dress for the twins. I'm so SAD. I keep wondering if I partnered with Coke I could make something happen. The gold and red dress is beautiful. Great work. And you made something.

tiffany said...

glitter is way to much fun to get rid of